3D Media Gallery
The inspection of three-dimensional data issued from Tomographic PIV or by 3D Lagrangian Particle Tracking (3D LPT) is a challenge due to the complexity of the flow structures in the turbulent regime. When the data relates to time-resolved measurements, the inspection of the flow requires animated illustration. The present gallery shows some examples of time-resolved 3D PIV measurements and related results.
Time-resolved measurement of vortex shedding downstream of a cylinder at ReD = 360.
[Scarano F, Poelma C, 2009, Three-dimensional vorticity patterns of cylinder wakes, Experiments in Fluids 47, pp. 69-83, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00348-009-0629-2].
Time-resolved measurement of a circular jet in water. Velocity vectors and color contours in a symmetry plane. Iso-surfaces of Q-criterion.
[Violato D, Scarano F, 2011, Three-dimensional evolution of flow structures in transitional circular and chevron jets, Physics of Fluids 23, https://doi.org/10.1063/1.3665141 ].
Experimental evidence of hairpin vortices during auto-generation in a turbulent boundary layer. Iso-surfaces of swirling strength (green) and streamwise velocity deficit (blue)
[Jodai Y, Elsinga G, 2016 Experimental observation of hairpin auto-generation events in a turbulent boundary layer. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 795, https://doi.org/10.1017/jfm.2016.153 ]
Large-scale three-dimensional measurement using Helium-filled soap bubbles of the velocity field generated by a vertical axis wind turbine. Velocity vectors and color contours of velocity magnitude. Iso-surfaces of Q-criterion for blade tip vortex detection (red).
[Caridi G, Ragni D, Sciacchitano A, Scarano F, 2016, HFSB-seeding for large-scale tomographic PIV in wind tunnels, Experiments in Fluids 57, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00348-016-2277-7 ]

Large-scale three-dimensional measurement using Helium-filled soap bubbles of a thermal plume (image is rotated). Tracers velocity vectors measured with Shake-the-Box algorithm and color-coded by velocity magnitude. Iso-surfaces of vorticity (gray).
[Huhn F, Schanz D, Gesemann S, Dierksheide U, van de Meerendonk R, Schroeder A, 2017, Large-scale volumetric flow measurement in a pure thermal plume by dense tracking of helium-filled soap bubbles, Experiments in Fluids 58(9), https://doi.org/10.1007/s00348-017-2390-2 ]